Quality and envi­ron­mental management are important pillars of the AdduXi phi­lo­sophy. This is par­ti­cu­larly pro­minent in the auto­motive industry where requi­re­ments are very high. The quality of our parts deter­mines to a high degree the quality of the final product.

In order to meet these high expec­ta­tions, the entire value-added chain is subject to con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ments. In order to ensure our high quality stan­dards, we always keep our plants up to date with state-of-the-art tech­nology and use modern quality and testing methods. This applies not only to the end product, but to all project phases.


  • Mold flow ana­lysis
  • Optical inspection
  • 3D coor­dinate mea­suring machines
  • electric con­ti­nuity and high voltage test
  • Camera check
  • Leak test
  • Data matrix engraving
  • Data tracea­bility and archiving
  • internal and external control of the software
  • ESD area for pro­cessing ESD com­ponents


We are regu­larly audited and cer­tified at all AdduXi loca­tions. This is how you will receive the expected high AdduXi quality stan­dards that have received num­erous market reco­gni­tions, both in Europe and in the USA, and now in Asia.

  • AdduXi S.A.S.

    ISO 9001 // IATF 16949 // ISO 14001
  • AdduXi, Inc.

    ISO 9001 // IATF 16949
  • AdduXi China

    ISO 9001 // IATF 16949