The AdduXi Group builds its business deve­lo­pment on values and prin­ciples that clearly show its com­mitment to ethics and respon­si­bility in all business fields.


  • Laws and rules

    AdduXi com­plies to all valid laws and regu­la­tions in all business fields.
  • Loyalty and transparency

    AdduXi follows the prin­ciple of loyalty towards its cus­tomers and sup­pliers, in order to build lasting rela­ti­onships based on mutual trust.
  • Health and safety at work

    AdduXi improves — beyond legal requi­re­ments — the con­di­tions of safety and pro­tection at work. In par­ti­cular, AdduXi makes sure that all mea­sures of risk pre­vention and safety at work are con­stantly taken and applied. All sup­pliers working on site are asked to follow similar pre­cau­tions.
  • Rights of the employees

    AdduXi respects employee rights.  Dis­cri­mi­nation will not be tole­rated either during recruitment or within the working rela­ti­onship.  Every employee is to be treated with respect, dignity and accep­tance of life choices.
  • Environmental awareness

    AdduXi actively sup­ports envi­ron­mental pro­tection in designing and improving its indus­trial plants.
  • Professional engagement

    Every employee brings in his pro­fes­sional com­pe­tence at the highest level and the­r­efore con­tri­butes to the best results of the company. AdduXi actively con­tri­butes to enlarge the com­pe­tences of the employees, to encourage their inde­pen­dence and to support social inno­vation. AdduXi takes care of a balanced situation in terms of employment, com­pen­sation, company profit sharing and safety at work.
  • Relationship to the environment

    AdduXi is com­mitted to deli­vering to its cus­tomers high quality pro­ducts and ser­vices in strict com­pliance to all policies con­cerning safety and envi­ron­mental pro­tection. AdduXi encou­rages its partners and sup­pliers to agree to and respect the prin­ciples of sus­tainable deve­lo­pment. Finally, AdduXi is com­mitted to assuring har­monic coope­ration with its social, eco­nomic and financial envi­ronment and all its partners.


  • Anti-corruption

    Regardless of com­mercial or financial inte­rests, AdduXi is com­mitted to ensuring its resources and goods are not used for the pur­poses of cor­ruption. All AdduXi employees are pro­hi­bited from entering into any agreement, through direct or indirect con­tractor, that involves passive or active cor­ruption.
  • Gifts

    AdduXi’s employees are pro­hi­bited from accepting or soli­citing gifts, favors, invi­ta­tions or any other per­sonal or coll­ective advan­tages from current or past vendors. Usual acts of courtesy or hos­pi­tality or sym­bolic gifts that do not require income tax reporting are tole­rated.
  • Sanctions

    Any employee who wit­nesses any third party cor­ruption attempt must imme­diately inform management. Any employee who vio­lates this anti-cor­ruption policy will be exposed to disci­plinary mea­sures, including ten­tative ter­mi­nation of employment.
  • Anti-trust policy

    AdduXi is com­mitted to pro­viding anti-trust pro­vi­sions.